ello Loves 💕
This month marks a full year of offering these full moon healing transmissions. And to be honest, I was nervous about starting this up a year ago because I wasn't sure if it would be needed as there were so many out there offering the same thing. I've come to realize these monthly healing sessions were for me as much as they were for those that needed or wanted the healing sessions. I've benefitted just as much from them. Thank you for coming along with me on this journey. ⠀⠀

The height of the full moon is tomorrow, Monday March 9th. As I have done every month, I will be doing the Full Moon monthly remote healing transmission tomorrow night. Generally, the Full Moon is a time for releasing that which no longer serves you. This month, I will help anchor the energy to strengthen your connection to spirit and to support your rebirth and renewal in your growth. This energy is two fold because your connection to spirit is vital for you in your growth and evolution as a spirit living in this physical dimension. This connection supports the constant rebirth and renewal process you constantly undergo in order to grow multi-dimensionally.â €
If you would like to be included, comment OPEN in the comments within my Facebook or Instagram post. If you would want to have someone to also be included, please type in their full name in a separate comment for them 🦋⠀
Remember to drink plenty of water, incorporate daily movement (ie. yoga, 30 min walk, 30 min exercise routine), get plenty of rest in and continue to do the daily energy check in with yourself to help support receiving this energy and energy shifts.
Sending Love & Blessings,