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when I became unstuck

I was going through a healing phase unbeknownst to me. It was during a time when I was becoming frustrated.... I had already completed training and received certification as a Reiki master and the same for practicing as an Angel Intuitive Practitioner. But I wasn't doing anything with what I had learned to help others....

I had a passion for this kind of work. But I was still going about my daily life working an 8-5 job and going through the motions of being a mom and wife. No Reiki and No Angel Intuitive work involved in my life yet at that point. I was still in the spiritual closet. Afraid of what people would think. My co-workers. My family. My husband at the time didn't think I would do anything with it. Although he looked at me judgingly and didn't approve of what seemed to him as my new found passion. What he wasn't aware of was that it had always been a passion of mine to work with people in a spiritual and energetic level. No encouragement or support there.

when I became unstuck

I felt frustrated, stuck and feeling this very strong sense to do something bigger to help others with this knowledge and new skill-set. I wasn't stepping out of my box. I decided to set the intention to release all karmic and fear ties from my mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies in all directions of time. This was my mantra every day for the next few months . I then stumbled upon a woman who gave Akashic Readings. I had always been interested on the Akashic Records and set a goal to one day learn more about it. So when I saw that she was hosting a free webinar I jumped at the chance. I didn't KNOW what to expect. At the end of the call I found it was exactly what I needed. She was offering a discovery and healing session that not only found out what your soul level attributes were but also cleared blocks and restrictions ...amongst them clearing any unjust karmic & fear blocks from past and present lives by way of the Akashic Records. I was on board and excited. Just before my scheduled reading I found another woman who was teaching about the Akashic Records as well as teach you how to read for others. She offered a free video series to find out more about it. I signed up! I had finished the video series just before the day of my Akashic Reading session. It was at this time I was also contemplating to sign up for this training. I had my scheduled reading with Laurra Warnke and boy was it spot on with what was going on in my present life. How the things she told me about my past lives spilled over into this one and how it affected me in my present days. The clearing work was done within my Akashic Record. At the end of our session, she gave me a 21 day meditative prayer practice as homework so I could accelerate the integration of this healing into the physical... My first Akashic reading and clearing initiated a huge transformation & awareness in my life...and help me clear the energetic baggage that was holding me back. I decided to sign up for the training soon after. It was not until I was registering for the class that I happen upon the web page where it listed all of the Akashic practitioners that had learned this modality with this teacher. To my surprise, I found Laurra listed as one of the practitioners! She received her training from the same teacher! A coincidence? Not!!! This was a Big fat sign that I was on the right path. Those months of affirmations manifested pretty quickly. And that was proof to me that this Akashic Healing modality truly worked because it did for me. I truly wanted to pay it forward and help others in this way. Soon after Andrrea Hess became my Soul Realignment Akashic Records teacher. She provided me with a deeper understanding of the Soul and the Akashic Records and how it can be used to heal others energetically. Laura continued to work with me as my spiritual business mentor during the time I was going through the 3 levels of Soul Realignment training. If you are in the same situation I was and feel called to heal as I did, please click here to schedule a session. BOTH of these women helped me get me unstuck during a time when I was stuck. And I am forever grateful. Grateful to them and to the Universe :) <3



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