The cultural practice of honoring your dead is practiced by many cultures & countries across the board and is unique to each culture’s belief in how they revere and honor Ancestors & transistioned Loved Ones. This day is also recognized within some religions.

Most of these cultural practices have their own flavor and name for it. Although practiced in different ways, the goal is the same and that is to honor your Loved Ones & Ancestors, a celebration of LIfe for those on the other side. In all instances the average days ranging from October 31st to November 3rd.
Here are some of the countries that do practice and the names of their practices...
✨Equador celebrates Dia de Los Difuntos
✨Guatamala celebrates Festival de Barriletes Gigantes
✨Philippines celebrates Undás
✨Haiti celebrates Fèt Gede
✨El Salvador celebrates La Calabiuza
✨Brazil celebrates Día de Finados
✨Spain celebrates Dia de Todos Los Santos
✨Ireland celebrates Samhain
✨India celebrates a very similar Hindu festival known as Mahalaya
✨Last but not least is the one, I’m sure, you are most familiar with is Mexico’s tradition of Dia de Los Muertos.
The essence of all of these cultural practices have one thing in common…remembering and honoring your loved ones whom have tranisitioned as well as sending them Love and prayers.
You too can start your own practice. Although we tend to honor and remember our Ancestors and Loved ones throughout the year during celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, or special moments shared... it just feels good and right to honor them officially on a dedicated day. Perhaps you already have that dedicated day and that's perfect.
Today is a powerful day as we join in community to honor our dead.
May your day be filled with love & laughter in the company of your loved ones in Spirit.