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Maria Rodriguez
Sep 14, 20182 min read
a thought vs a psychic message?
Ever wonder how you can tell whether you are receiving a psychic message or just a mere thought? Welp... the thought is the narrative...

Maria Rodriguez
Sep 10, 20182 min read
about last night...
Happy New Beginnings! This is a snapshot of what the moon looked like yesterday. I follow the moon phases in a haphazardly fashion....

Maria Rodriguez
May 8, 20185 min read
aren't Lightworkers supposed to be perfect???
That’s the goal. Perfect in your own authentic way. Not in the way we think "perfect" would be as perceived by others. I’ve come to...

Maria Rodriguez
Apr 24, 20182 min read
Just. Show. Up.
We are always working on our personal "stuff" and healing even though it doesn't seem so on the surface. And it doesn't matter how long...

Maria Rodriguez
Apr 4, 20182 min read
Shadow Work
Shadow Work. What is it really? We've all heard the term. And depending on your perspective, you know what it means or you may not have...

Maria Rodriguez
Dec 31, 20171 min read
a memo for 2018
So here we are... 2017 was full of transformations, stepping outside of your box, jumping with 2 feet in, truths being revealed about...

Maria Rodriguez
Nov 30, 20171 min read
Failure is just a blip
One of the many things I've learned this year is to embrace my blips as progress... because I'm that much closer to understanding that...

Maria Rodriguez
Nov 25, 20171 min read
Ancestral Healing. Be the change.
Ancestral Healing applies to everyone. To heal ourselves and our lineage is to remember to practice acceptance and gratitude. Not to...

Maria Rodriguez
Nov 15, 20172 min read
You Do You, Boo
Initially I saw this meme and thought...I'd change the "don't have to please everyone" to "don't have to compare myself to others" but I...

Maria Rodriguez
Jul 9, 20172 min read
DIY Lymphatic Massage
Lymphatic massage is a great way to help detox your system. As a part of striving to achieve balancing all aspects of yourself, we need...

Maria Rodriguez
May 15, 20171 min read
Natural support for an upset stomache
This little helper is ahhMAZING Yesterday I indulged a bit in foods I have not eaten in a long time. Being as it was Mothers Day I...

Maria Rodriguez
Nov 2, 20163 min read
The shift in your perception IS a powerful thing
So...we are always told to shift our perception on a situation if it isn't to our liking, if we can't come to terms with it or when we...

Maria Rodriguez
Jul 19, 20169 min read
balancing the ego and the soul
Once upon a time I thought one of the aspects of being spiritual meant to take the higher road, to turn the other cheek. Which basically...

Maria Rodriguez
Mar 7, 20163 min read
What is a Property Realignment?
Does a room in your home or property feel off? Do you get distracted easily whenever you enter a certain space in your home? Perhaps you...

Maria Rodriguez
Feb 18, 20161 min read
there is no right way
#Inspiration #SpiritualJourney #SelfDevelopment #SpiritualDeveloment

Maria Rodriguez
Feb 13, 20164 min read
feel free to be you
This is a topic I had been meaning to put out there for a while now ....ANNND have been actually working on myself...being mindful of...
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